We assist families and individuals with care, deep listening and compassion.
What is an End of Life Doula?
End of life doulas, sometimes known as death doulas, assist in the dying process, much like midwives or doulas do with birthing. They help families cope with dying and can supplement and go beyond hospice. They offer a variety of non-medical services, including end of life planning, facilitating family conversations, and respite care. End of life doulas provide spiritual, psychological, and social support prior to and following death. They may offer patient advocacy, aid in creating legacy projects, guide family directed funerals and much more. Every end of life doula is different and may offer varying services or specialization.

When do I need an End of Life Doula?
A time will come for all of us to acknowledge our own and our loved ones' mortality. When you come to terms with death approaching, it is an opportune time to reach for assistance.
We are available for pre-planning, early and ongoing support during the dying process and guidance following death.
It is not uncommon for people to wait until the last minute for planning and reaching out for support. Illness and death can be overwhelming. We know this is a vulnerable and intimate time. We respect your independence and privacy. Receiving sensitive guidance with the many details is invaluable. This affords families ease and relief at a potentially stressful time.
If you or a loved one has been recently diagnosed with a terminal illness or are on hospice, we can help.

The Sonoma County End of Life Doula Alliance is a collective of doulas in northern California with varying experience and specialties. We are partnering to help our community explore and prepare for dying and death. We believe that everyone deserves a peaceful and respectful transition.

How do I choose an End of Life Doula?

Each doula brings their unique offerings, which can be matched with your needs. Learn more about us on our Meet our Doulas page.